Region 1 CC Blog

News and resources from the Region 1 Comprehensive Center


Girl Raising her hand.

Year 2 Project Summaries

During Region 1 Comprehensive Center's (R1CC) second year, they supported a total of 14 intensive technical assistance projects. The COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact project work in states resulting in delayed timelines and managing client constraints.

State: Regional

side profile of African American girl

Reimagining Education Series: Strategies for Student-Directed Learning

Changes to education during the COVID-19 pandemic have presented opportunities for some students to gain autonomy over aspects of their learning. For example, some students who participated in remote learning last year—and some students who continue to do so this year—have had opportunities to be more in charge of when they complete their coursework. These experiences have created fertile ground to incorporate promising practices for student-directed learning and student voice.

State: Regional

side view of light-skinned woman sitting on the beach reading a magazine. She has a white headband and is sitting on a striped towel with a white and navy canvas tote beside her.

R1CC Regional Resource Round-Up: August 9

As we settle into August and look ahead to the new school year, I hope you can find some time for a bit more rest and relaxation. To support all the great work that is happening in your states, we’ve curated our biweekly round-up of events and resources below.  

State: Regional

focused white bowl full of red raspberries

R1CC Regional Resource Round-Up: July 26

Hard to believe we’ve nearly made it to August! We hope everyone is getting in some vacation time and enjoying the weather before school starts.

State: Regional

Boy sitting at a desk

Assessing Educator Preparedness in Massachusetts to Effectively Teach Early Literacy Instruction

To support its Literacy Strategic Plan, DESE requested that the Region 1 Comprehensive Center (R1CC) conduct a statewide needs assessment on educator preparation in K–3 literacy instruction. The needs assessment consisted of a review of early childhood and elementary certification course syllabi (EPP Core Course Review) to understand which programs are preparing and providing preservice teachers with opportunities to learn about and practice evidence-based reading and writing instruction.

State: Massachusetts

African-American girl looking to the right

Reimagining Education Series: Approaches for Assessing Student Learning

During the 2020–21 school year, educators in many districts and schools relied on alternative measures to assess student learning, in part due to the disruption of conventional assessment practices related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Region 1 states have a history of promoting innovative assessment strategies that are evidence-based, and which provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their learning in more authentic ways than traditional assessments.

State: Regional

summer drinks on a table

R1CC Regional Resource Round-Up: June 30

It’s hard to believe, but summer is upon us! It is exciting to see the restaurants and stores opening in the region, and we are looking forward to more opportunities to see friends and family in person.

State: Regional

high school girl in classroom

Reimagining Education Series: Innovative College and Career Pathways to Advance Equity and Opportunity

Disruptions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have introduced opportunities for PK–12 education systems to accelerate evidence-based innovations that may better prepare students to pursue their educational and career goals. By strengthening and introducing pathways—the programs and experiences students complete to satisfy graduation requirements—leading to high-demand careers and college enrollment, educators and policymakers can support students’ postsecondary ambitions.

State: Regional

student profile

Reimagining Education Series: Strategies for Innovative Systems Change

Region 1 states—Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont—have been pioneering and piloting innovative practices in education for decades. As schools in New England and across the country return to more in-person schooling and plan for the future, educators and policymakers hope to apply what we’ve learned about education innovations before and during the pandemic. These innovations will help build an education system that better supports all students and can address the long-standing inequities exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

State: Regional