In 2020, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) created emergency licensure to help address teacher vacancies and shortages in Massachusetts districts and schools. Alternatively licensed, novice teachers like those who are issued emergency licensure or provisional licensure, are entering the classroom with limited formal preparation making induction and mentoring a critical support (Redding & Smith, 2019). They are more likely to turnover than traditionally prepared teachers due to a lack of both preparation and on-the-job supports (Redding & Smith, 2019). Induction and mentoring have been found to improve retention of novice teachers (GTL Center, 2019; Ronfeldt & McQueen, 2017; Kang & Berliner, 2012; Rockoff, 2008). Districts and schools looking to retain emergency and initial licensed teachers will need to implement differentiated induction and mentoring (I&M) programs.
R1CC will facilitate a community of practice with local district and school I&M staff that are involved in program development and implementation for provisionally and emergency licensed teachers. In addition, R1CC will develop a process guide that help local districts and schools in designing and implementing differentiated I&M for alternative and emergency licensed teachers. The community of practice will provide an introduction to a section of the guide, with another follow up session on a problem of practice, and continuing that cycle throughout the year.