Upcoming Webinar | Seeing the Elephant: Understanding Evidence for Literacy

The Region 1 Comprehensive Center invites you to join our webinar Seeing the Elephant: Understanding Evidence for Literacy.

From legislation to curricular materials, the science of reading continues to spark conversation about effective, equitable literacy instruction. This webinar examines considerations necessary for productive discussion of the science of reading. 

R1CC presenters will discuss evidence for literacy, including the science of teaching, implementation science, and methodology considerations. By differentiating between evidence, research, and claims about research, participants will learn productive ways to analyze and discuss evidence as one piece of a puzzle in decision making. The webinar will conclude with a demonstration of a tool to apply ESSA language and ESSA Non-Regulatory Guidance to understand and apply evidence to inform decisions based on local context. 

Webinar Details:

When: May 16, 2024 @ 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. ET

Link to Register: https://air-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KMJYib-1Qg6cFPkdqT9n0A