Webinar | Seeing the Elephant: Understanding Evidence for Literacy

Webinar Details

R1CC presenters discussed evidence for literacy, including the science of teaching, implementation science, and methodology considerations. By differentiating between evidence, research, and claims about research, participants learned productive ways to analyze and discuss evidence as one piece of a puzzle in decision making. The webinar concluded with a demonstration of a tool to apply ESSA language and ESSA Non-Regulatory Guidance to understand and apply evidence to inform decisions based on local context. 

Through viewing this webinar recording (edited down to 67 minutes), viewers will: 

  • Be able to define and distinguish among a variety of different research tracks within the sciences that inform literacy policy and practice. 
  • Learn what it takes to derive strong evidence, as well as the important distinctions among evidence, research, and claims about research. 
  • Apply those distinctions to elevate discussions and speak productively about common research claims. 
  • Learn a decision-making process that determines the ESSA Tier of Evidence for a program, practice, or intervention as required by some federal programs. 
  • Situate evidence as just one piece of a puzzle by considering other factors when selecting evidence-based policies and practices.
  • Receive resources to support their learning of a process to identify and select evidence-based programs, practices, or interventions informed by local contexts. 

Webinar Recording


Webinar Slides

Seeing the Elephant cover page Download Slides (PDF)


Related Handouts

 Know the Difference: Sciences that Inform Literacy Policy and Practice (PDF)


ESSA Tiers of Evidence Placemat (PDF)


    ESSA Tiers of Evidence Decision Tree (PDF)