R1CC partnered with the Vermont Agency of Education (AOE) to assess the degree to which educator preparation programs (EPPs) are preparing new teachers in Vermont to incorporate evidence-based literacy instruction in their classrooms. During this project R1CC staff:
- Conducted a comprehensive review of EPP course syllabi to assess the content delivered to pre-service teachers in 6 of Vermont’s 10 EPPs in the following endorsement areas: elementary education, early childhood education, and early childhood special education.
- Conducted debriefs with EPP faculty leaders to review their summary report.
- Developed a summary of the course syllabi review and interviews.
- Met with AOE staff to discuss the summary and implications.
Download the Review
The results of the assessment will improve the AOE’s understanding of the scope and intensity of literacy preparation in Vermont’s EPPs and will identified areas of strengths and weaknesses to inform EPP practice, state policy, and support resource allocation decisions.