The R1CC team developed one-pagers that summarize the high-leverage problems that R1CC focused on in Year 4. The one-pagers include descriptions of the approaches taken by R1CC, key milestones, and outputs and outcomes.
- Collaborative on Strengthening the Educator Workforce
- Developing Implementation Guidance and Supports for the Early Literacy Blueprint
- Revising the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)’s Mentoring and Induction Survey
- Leveraging GIS Mapping to Support CTE Program and Workforce Alignment
- Supporting Maine’s Education Innovation and Improvement Through Rethinking K-12 Models Education Grant
- School Administrative Unit Pilot: Educator Workforce Data Collection and Utilization
- Students With Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) Screener Development Support
- Supporting Districts in Selecting Evidence-Based Literacy Interventions
- Using GIS Mapping to Build and Strengthen Coherent Systems of Student Support
- Whole Student Approach Strategic Planning