Intelligent Tutor for the Structure Strategy (ITSS) at Literacy.IO
ITSS is a web-based intelligent tutoring system that provides modeling, practice, interactive activities for learners, assessment, scaffolding, and immediate feedback so that students can learn and apply the text structure strategy to read and comprehend effectively. ITSS is a student-managed learning system where children progress at their own pace through a lesson path that adapts to students’ needs. Students are invited to become comprehension detectives, identifying the text structure and completing a systematic set of comprehension tasks. There are 200 lessons available in ITSS, covering a variety of genres.
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Publisher Statement (Click to View)
Intelligent Tutor for the Structure Strategy (ITSS) is a web-based program designed for students from kindergarten to eighth grade. ITSS aims to strengthen students' literacy skills by teaching them how to comprehend and navigate texts encountered in classrooms and everyday life by understanding their logical structure.
Key objectives of ITSS include:
1. Understanding and Identifying Higher-Order Text Structure: ITSS teaches students to recognize and follow any text's logical structure to select important ideas, logically connect them as a main idea, extend the main idea to a summary by adding supporting evidence, and extrapolate inferences. These skills are crucial for improving comprehension. The program focuses on three higher-order text structures: Comparison, Problem and Solution, and Cause and Effect.
2. Improving Reading Comprehension: Through systematic practice, ITSS aims to significantly enhance students' reading comprehension abilities through its structured approach of teaching students how to navigate and understand different types of texts by identifying and applying their structural elements. Research studies, such as those referenced in the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Intervention Report (Wijekumar et al., 2012; 2017), have shown positive effects on reading comprehension and related tasks in grades 4 through 8 when students used ITSS for regular sessions of 30 to 45 minutes per week. According to the WWC Intervention Report, ITSS has demonstrated statistically significant positive effects on reading comprehension in controlled research studies. Its focus on higher-order text structures to develop main ideas and summaries, as well as extrapolate inferences, helps students develop critical reading skills necessary for academic success.
For the best results (e.g., sound, video playback, automatic scoring), ITSS should be accessed using Google Chrome.